Die Suche ergab 74 Treffer

genug Stress mit 135 Verrückten . . Credi che sia facile riorganizzare a meno di un mese dal raduno un giorno intero con 135 auto in una città come Torino colma di traffico, con accesso negato alle auto non catalitiche, con poche possibilità di parcheggio, e con una burocrazia lenta come quella i...

Wir haben einige Mails von verägerten Teilnehmern erhalten. Dies wegen des abgesagten Besuchs des Centro Stile Bertone. Ein paar Infos von mir als einer der Organisatoren: A) Wegen der Programmänderung: Das Organisationskomitee ist genauso wie jeder Teilnehmer 'Opfer' der Absage von Bertone. Nicht ...

Unfortunately, Bertone's decision is independent by us. The visit to Bertone was planned 8 months ago and only recently Bertone canceled it. That was of course a big disappointment and inconvenience for the organization of the meeting. However, because of the centenary of the brand and the 40 years ...

X1/9 International Treffen of Turin (40th anniversary): programmänderung (freitag 6 Juli) Das Organisationskomitee informiert über eine wichtige Programmänderung (freitag 6 Juli) Bertone hat uns mitgeteilt, dass es, aufgrund eines wichtigen Kundenbesuchs, nicht möglich sein wird uns zu empfangen. A...

http://www.agriturist.com/images/d.gif Wichtige Information für alle Teilnehmenden des Raduno Internazionale X1/9 in Turin. Bertone hat uns soeben mitgeteilt, dass während unseres Treffens die verschiedenen Prototypen wegen der Ausstellung im Museum dell'automobile in Turin - zu Ehren des 100. Jubi...

Hallo everybody. I’m going to answer to your questions on hotel, meeting and subscription of the event. The Hotel, as you saw, is the Campanile (Tulip Inn) in southern part of Turin. You can book the rooms at the hotel specifiing that you are part of the international X1/9 meeting of july (hotel h...

Preview of the program of the X1/9 International Meeting in Torino (july 6-7-8 2012), link: www.clubx19.it/torino2012/meeting_40th.pdf All informations on the registration will be soon sent by email to the clubs and will be published on the 'Club X1/9 Italia' web site: www.clubx19.it http://www.clu...

Club X1/9 Italia

http://www.clubx19.it/img/logoclubitalia.gif The X1/9 has a new big club: 'Club X1/9 Italia' . Despite the recent institution, the club has much older roots; in-fact, it origins from a grown and evolved passion shared by a group of amateurs known as icsunonove.it. 'Club X1/9 Italia' aims to increas...

http://www.clubx19.it/presentazione/img/logoclub.gif The International Meeting of Turin (40th anniversary) will be officially introduced at the event "Automotoretro 2012" (Turin, 11-12 February 2012). It will then be divulged to the european clubs and published in the official X1/9 club I...

Raffi, il tuo nome è pubblicato su molte riviste italiane di auto per il fatto che hai vinto il concorso di auto più bella al raduno di Asti 2011. Complimenti ancora! http://www.icsunonove.it/img-forum/raffiwinner2011.jpg http://www.icsunonove.it/img-forum/raffiwinner.jpg

On the 6-7-8 of July 2012, Turin (Italy) will host the International X1/9 Meeting, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the X1/9. The meeting is organized by the italian X1/9 clubs in collaboration with Bertone. All X1/9 clubs from all over the world are welcome. Coming soon additional informations ...

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